“None Shall be forgotten” 7″
(East Grand Recordings / Pirate’s Press)
Wir “sing for the forgotten, the underdogs, the working poor and our men and women in uniform. Obviously that appeals to me and I am honored they asked me to sing on their amazing anthem,” erzählt Gastsänger
voller Stolz. Es gibt im Bereich des amerikanischen Streetpunk-Genres Beispiele von sogenannten Punkbands, die nicht nur ihre “troops worldwide” supporten und mit amerikanischer Fahne wedeln, sondern eine gehörige Portion Lokalpatriotismus propagieren. Zeilen wie “
Our country needs you…fight for our liberty(…)It’s time to make America better(…)our nation will heal over time(…)Go, Captain, go!
” (Pursuit of Justice) sind übelste extrem rechte Propaganda. Wenn mensch davon ausgeht, dass Patriotismus zur amerikanischen „Zivilreligion“ gehört und sogenannte Punkbands eine Sprache des “Kreuzzuges” wählen und eine nationale Identität wählen und bewahren, wird kritisches Denken verhindert, wird Autoritätsgläubigkeit gefördert und kann sogar in aggressiven Chauvinismus umschlagen. Eine fragwürdige Variante wie “Punk” hier mit fragwürdigen Idealen und Wertevorstellungen präsentiert wird.
Die Hex Bombs sind nicht Faschisten! (hope Google Translate got that right…)
Did you listen to the b-side of this record? Nothing but sarcastic jabs at the current ‘American’ way of life!
This review is way off. The reviewer obviously missed the ANTI-authoritarian undertone. I know the The Hex Bombs personally, I can assure you they are not an extreme right-wing pro-authoritarian band. They sing about and represent the working class folks. They definitely fall more to The Left than The Right without getting up on a soap box and preaching about it.
Um, yeah, that song is about the comic book character, Captain America…just ask my four-year-old son. Possible there is some confusion in the translation? idk, this review seems skewed.
You have a serious misunderstanding of The Hex Bombs are all about. They are for the rights of all man. Regardless of color or race. For anyone who is struggling, or ever has. Please do to tarnish their well deserved, and hard fought for reputation!
Having met and partied with the band members in years past I can tell you they are as they say in terms of their beliefs. They are far from the “war monger” type and represent a segment of society that is affected by the corporatist policies of the elite.
Alright gentlemen, you couldn’t be further from the truth on this one. Everything Felix said above is right on. I’m gonna chalk this “review” up to the meaning being lost in translation. Just remember that by posting about stuff you can’t understand you’re fucking with not only the band’s livelihood and skewing their beliefs, but also taking an undeserved shot at the men and women who struggle everyday in this country and around the world. Maybe you should listen to the album with a translator or someone who is actually in touch with reality. And then try to quote the lyrics from the correct songs as well. Try again assholes.
it seems this author is more interested in playing “punk rock police” than actually listening to the music, which he did not even mention. Also he is sadly inept at judging their politics since the band is liberal, working class, and anti-war. Even the lyrics he quoted were from the wrong song. Whoever wrote this has the the journalistic integrity of a child.
The B-side of this single has a song that slams the right-wing patriotic, bible-thumping rednecks of the USA but apparently that doesn’t spark the same same righteous indignation for him.
Felix was very accurate in what he said. I think there is just a lot of confusion about the lyrics of the songs. The Hex Bombs question the authority and actions of the government. They express the dissatisfaction of the working class. They are the new generation who expresses what is wrong in America. They’re the good guys. I hope you reconsider, listen more carefully and give them the respect they deserve. Peace.
Susan Voldeck
Detroit, Michigan USA -
Was für ein Mist. Wer die Hex Bombs kennt weiß, dass sie alles andere als patriotische Rednecks. Man sollte nicht immer alles so genau nehmen. Ja, der Text ist vielleicht etwas missverständlich aber auch nicht immer ganz ernst gemeint. Habe persönlich lange mit ihnen über den Text diktiert. Sie sind völlig verwundert, dass man sie als rednecks klassifiziert. Kenne die Band und ihre Mitglieder seit 15 Jahren. Absolut lächerlich so über sie herzuziehen.
The song is not about patriotism. It’s about people. It’s about friends and family who have died in American wars. The band is definitely not supporting war or our government’s choices. The song is even more about the average American – ‘the new age working poor’. just used google to translate and from what I see they have totally misunderstood the song, and also the band in general.
They say that they are extreme right wing, when in reality their politics are far left if anything.
The band does not ‘wave the American flag’. Their songs question the American government and society and they are very dissatisfied with the current state of affairs in our country as most of us are.
The song the article quoted was not ‘None Shall be Forgotten’ but ‘Pursuit of Justice’ which is about the comic book character Captain America!